Taken a photo of one of Britain's elusive mammals? Get in touch!

When you're compiling publications about the country's more elusive mammals photos can be very hard to come by. Even some of our more common mammals are sometimes overlooked by photographers.

We would love to hear from you if you have taken a high res photograph of one the species listed below and would be prepared to let us use it (with credits) in publications such as our forthcoming Mammal Atlas. Simply drop us a line at atlas@themammalsociety.org

We are currently particularly on the look out for high res photographs of the following:

Mole, Common Shrew, Pygmy shrew, Lesser White-Toothed Shrew, Beaver, Hazel Dormouse, Edible Dormouse, Bank Vole, Field Vole, Common Vole, Harvest Mouse, Yellow Necked Mouse, House Mouse, Wood Mouse, Brown rat, Black rat, Polecat, Mink, Muntjac, Sika Deer (especially male with antlers), Roe Deer (especially male with antlers), Grey Seal, Breaded Seal, Harp Seal, Hooded Seal, Ringed Seal, Walrus, Ferel Sheep Goats and Ferrets and Raccoon, Reindeer, Wallaby, Grey Squirrel, Hedgehog, Rabbit, Bats (all species)

True's Beaked Whale, Pgymy Sperm Whale, Narwhal, Melon-Headed Whale, Gervais' Beaked Whale, Fraser's Dolphin, Blainsville Beaked Whale

We'd also like to hear from you if you have some decent photos of mammal tracks and signs, especially deep hoof prints. 

The ideal photo would have a resolution of around 300 ppi and would show the whole of the animal from nose to tail. The composition doesn't need to be arty as the photo is simply for indentifcation purposes. Photos must be your own work. Unfortunately we can't guarantee that we will use all of them but we will do our absolute best!


Water voles on the wetlands


Call for public to help wildlife conservation