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Editorial board

The editorial board for Mammal Communications is made up of a team of experts from the UK to Switzerland. See below.

Harvest mouse by Roy Rimmer

Chief Editor
John Gurnell, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Joshua Twining, Cornell University, New York, USA

Editorial Assistant
Ross Clifton, Mammal Society, Cornwall, UK

Editorial Office
Mammal Society, Dorset, UK

Editorial Board 
Philip Baker, Reading University, UK

Steve Carter, Vincent Wildlife Trust, UK

Paul Chanin, Consultant, formerly Exeter University, UK

Merryl Gelling, Consultant, Director of Spires Ecology LTD, Oxford, UK

Paul Johnson, WildCRU, University of Oxford, UK

Peter Lurz, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh, UK

Jenny MacPherson, Vincent Wildlife Trust, UK

Aileen Mill, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK

Sugoto Roy, IUCN SSC CAT Specialist Group, Switzerland

Danilo Russo, University of Naples, Italy

Graham Smith, Animal and Plant Health AgencyYork, UK