Population trends of harbour and grey seals in the Greater Thames Estuary
Population data of harbour and grey seals in the Greater Thames Estuary are presented and the importance of long-term monitoring data to compliment seal surveys is highlighted.
Public attitudes to urban foxes in London and the south east
The study posed a questionnaire to two populations of adults and children in England in the year 2015 in order to assess ‘likeable’ and ‘reproachable’ characters of foxes.
First record of True’s beaked whale, Mesoplodon mirus, in Britain
This paper documents the first recorded stranding of True’s beaked whale, Mesoplodon minus, in Britain. In January 2020 a female beaked whale carcass was reported approximately 10 m above the high water mark of a bay in Scotland.
Confirmation of the presence of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) within the tidal Thames and Thames Estuary.st Title Two
This study used strandings, dedicated surveys and opportunistic sightings to document the presence of harbour porpoises in the tidal Thames.
Measuring the effect of wing tears on flight in common pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus)
This study used a new method to measure the effect of bat wing tears on common pipistrelle bats. The bats were filmed and the footage was used to track wing movements and body positions using software.
Displacing and translocating hazel dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) as road development mitigation measures
Hazel dormice occupying a dense road verge landscape in Wales were translocated due to the construction of a new road junction and slip roads on a dual carriageway.