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Mammal Mapper app

Mammal Mapper is a free app where you can record signs and sightings of mammals in the UK.

Mammals can be recorded along a route whilst you’re walking, running, cycling or even a passenger in a car, or as one-off sightings, for example a hedgehog in your garden.

Mammal Mapper is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play, and can be found by searching for ‘Mammal Mapper’.

Video narrated by Mammal Society patron, Zeb Soanes.

How can I get involved?

A great easy (and free!) way to help give our mammals a brighter future is to help us to learn more about them. Through sharing information about any mammals, or signs of mammals, that you see, we can find out more about where mammals are, how they are doing, and how we can help them.

A fantastic way to start using our Mammal Mapper App is through walking a #WildMile.

How does it work?

Using Mammal Mapper, you can either submit one-off sightings or full surveys.

To record a one-off sighting, select “Report a Sighting” on the home screen. For surveys, select “Start Survey”. Depending on the type of record selected, the app will walk you through how to submit relevant information.

Why is it important?

Most wild mammals are very poorly monitored, making it difficult to know which regions or habitats are most important for them or to detect changes in their ranges and population sizes. Because of this, the records that you submit through the app are very important in helping us to understand the distribution, abundance and conservation status of British mammals.

Frequently asked questions

Mammal Mapper has been developed by Natural Apptitude – a software company on a mission to help the planet. They are the UK’s go-to organisation for the creation of apps and websites focusing on citizen science and data collection in the conservation and environmental sectors.