Are hedgehogs at risk in your area?
Zoom in on our hedgehog roadkill map, below, to find out if there are any high risk roads near you.
You can then tick the Hedgehog Roadkill Probability box, in the top right corner of the map, to find out more detail about the likelihood of hedgehog road deaths occurring in your area.
You can download the full report Predicting hedgehog mortality risks on British roads using habitat suitability modelling here.
What happens next?
Our work to reduce the number of hedgehog road deaths doesn’t end with the report. In fact it’s just the beginning.
We now want to carry out further studies to find out whether introducing speed limits in high risk areas might be a way of reducing the likelihood of hedgehog road deaths (read more about the use of small mammal road signs here).
To do this we need:
Even more DATA – tell us when you see hedgehogs (dead or alive). You can do this easily using the free Mammal Mapper app. We urgently need this information to help us pinpoint where interventions can be most effective at saving hedgehogs.
Donations – unlike most other wildlife charities we receive no government funding for our core activities. Your donation is vital for our work to protect hedgehogs.
Did you see us on Channel 4 News?
The interactive hedgehog roadkill map was created by the Mammal Society with data supplied from the citizen science projects: PTES’ Mammals on Roads survey, Cardiff University’s Project Splatter, Hedgehog Street’s the BIG Hedgehog Map and the Mammal Society’s Mammal Mapper.