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Mammal blog
Get Mammal Society’s position on all things mammals. Featuring news, opinion, student research and more.
Optimising Small Mammal Trapping by Considering Environmental Factors
Student Spotlight blog by Luke Owen
Defecating in the Moonlight: Links between Lunar Phase and Latrine Use by European Badgers
Student Spotlight blog by Will Cresswell
Are the UK's small wild mammals eating plastic?
Mammal Society researchers have set out to assess the exposure of wild mammals to waste plastics across Britain.
Mammal Photographer of the Year - is your entry in?
The deadline for this year's competition is Monday 1 February 2020!
Water voles: steps towards recovery action plan in Wales
We're working with Natural Resources Wales on a new water vole project.
New report shows highs and lows of mammal conservation in Wales
Launch of The State of Mammals in Wales - urgent action needed to save a third of all mammals currently at risk of extinction