First records of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) breeding in SW Britain


Stephen Westcott


Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) are found around the coast of Scotland (including the Hebridean and Northern Islands), Northern Ireland and parts of England but only occasionally at sites in Wales and SW England (SW Britain). One site in SW Britain is the Dart estuary in Devon, where sightings have been recorded since 2006. This paper documents the birth of two harbour seal pups in 2019 and two in 2020 on the Dart estuary with all surviving to weaning. The local assembly of adult harbour seals consisted of two males and two females in both years. These are thought to be the first records of this kind in the region.


Full Citation

Westcott. S. (2021) First records of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) breeding in SW Britain. Mammal Communications 7: 6-10. DOI: 10.59922/IRPK8308


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